CAIRO: Egypt's deposed president, Hosni Mubarak, ordered internet service to be cut off during Egypt's January 25 Revolution which toppled him from power, said Egyptian telecom tycoon Naguib Sawiris. Sawiris said former Minister of Interior Habib al-Adly could not have cut communications without Mubarak's permission. Sawiris said he called for not cutting Egypt's communication services during peaceful demonstrations, particularly if the protests were against the president. Sawiris also said the National Telecom Regulatory Authority is not independent in Egypt, as it is in other countries. When the cut-off decision was issued, telecom company Mobinil was keen on ensuring it was legal. Under Law No. 10/2003, Mobinil found it was obliged to cut service, said Sawiris. In related news, a committee in the authority has proposed amending Clause 67 of Law No. 10/2003 concerning service cut-off if the country witnesses a natural disaster. The amendment proposal came after a large public outcry over the five-day communication blackout during the revolution.