Gold prices rise amid US inflation data anticipation: Gold Bullion    Egypt's Electricity Minister discusses strengthening clean energy cooperation with UAE's Masdar    Hamas agrees to draft Gaza ceasefire agreement    Egypt seeks stronger ties with Latvia, Botswana    Deputy PM reviews progress on Egyptian baccalaureate reform    Egypt, US presidents discuss Gaza ceasefire efforts    Egypt's Petroleum Minister, Saudi Al-Qahtani discuss boosting cooperation in mining sector    Japan's current account surplus soars in Nov. '24    Kyrgyzstan's GDP surges to $17b in '24    EGP closes high vs. USD on Tuesday    EU investigations into tech giants under review    Madbouly reviews progress of Egypt's Universal Health Insurance    Al-Sisi reviews baccalaureate system, educational developments with key officials    Egypt partners with Yodawy to enhance digital healthcare    Afghanistan approves $42m in development projects    Egypt boosts healthcare with EGP 2.2b Menouf oncology centre    Chinese tech firms flock to Malaysia amid US tariff threats    Madbouly oversees final preparations for Grand Egyptian Museum opening    Egypt NGOs receive EGP14.5b in grants in '24    Egyptian, Ugandan Presidents discuss Somalia, Sudan, bilateral ties    Egypt condemns deadly New Orleans vehicle ramming, 10 Killed    Egypt's President pardons 54 convicts from Sinai    Ruby, Hakim to Dazzle at Madinaty Open Air Mall Concert Friday    Denmark's Thybo Claims Victory at Egyptian Amateur Open Golf Championship    Egypt uncovers golden artefacts, ritual texts from Ptolemaic Era in Minya    Registration is Now Open for Season 2 of Maven Jr. NBA League in West Cairo    Egypt, Instagram revive history with AR at iconic Cairo museums    Grand Egyptian Museum ready for partial trial run on October 16: PM    Kabaddi: Ancient Indian sport gaining popularity in Egypt    Ecuador's drought forces further power cuts    Egypt joins Africa's FEDA    Paris Olympic gold '24 medals hit record value    A minute of silence for Egyptian sports    Paris Olympics opening draws record viewers    Who leads the economic portfolios in Egypt's new Cabinet?    Financial literacy becomes extremely important – EGX official    Russia says it's in sync with US, China, Pakistan on Taliban    It's a bit frustrating to draw at home: Real Madrid keeper after Villarreal game    Shoukry reviews with Guterres Egypt's efforts to achieve SDGs, promote human rights    Sudan says countries must cooperate on vaccines    Johnson & Johnson: Second shot boosts antibodies and protection against COVID-19    Egypt to tax bloggers, YouTubers    Egypt's FM asserts importance of stability in Libya, holding elections as scheduled    We mustn't lose touch: Muller after Bayern win in Bundesliga    Egypt records 36 new deaths from Covid-19, highest since mid June    Egypt sells $3 bln US-dollar dominated eurobonds    Italian Institute Director Davide Scalmani presents activities of the Cairo Institute for ITALIANA.IT platform    Gamal Hanafy's ceramic exhibition at Gezira Arts Centre is a must go    

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